This post isn't precisely about brewing, but without good food, good beer and wine would be rather pointless, so I wanted to share a wild partridge recipe my wife and I made together tonight. Up here where I live in Maine, partridge season is something people anticipate all year long, and with good reason--prepared correctly, they are a taste of heaven! I found the recipe at
We served the bacon wrapped breasts with a simple rice pilaf mix, and some steamed broccoli. The wine we used both for cooking and serving was Barefoot Pinot Grigio, but any white will go well with this meal--I've got a few more breasts in the freezer, so I think next time we may try a Sauvignon Blanc. Partridge being a wild game bird, even a mild red would not be inappropriate.
Chew slowly to enjoy this meal to its fullest...and to avoid cracking your teeth on any shotgun pellets you may have missed!